Bidding system for allocating available cross-border transfer capacities
The system for auctioning cross-border transfer capacities (cross-border ATC) is made for the needs of the transmission system operator (TSO) in the Republic of Macedonia, AD MEPSO. That system for managing auctions uses a type of auction called Uniform Price Auction, commonly referred to as a “Clearing Price Auction”. Uniform Price Auction: This is the most common type of auction for electricity, in which all winning bidders pay the same price. The auction sets a clearing price, and all successful bidders pay that price, regardless of what they bid. The system in the auction uses three types of products which are yearly, monthly, and weekly foreign capacities in MW. The amounts for trading are aligned with the auction rules and the neighboring TSO. The system is also used for the management of the traded products, in the way that it is allowed only in strictly controlled processes in a limited time period, those same products can be transferred from trader to trader. The output data of the auction system are in correlation with the „ENTSO-E Transparency Platform” and “MMS” system of AD MEPSO. For the security of the system, we use a dedicated PKI system, which means that for logging in to the system you need a digital certificate token additionally after your username and password.