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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

SMS Parking

The SMS Parking system is a flexible and economical solution to manage the available parking space, ticketing, and issuing confirmation for tickets approved, based on the registered requests in the system. The System enables quick and easy payment for using the parking place through an SMS.

The System is reliable, secure, efficient, and sustainable. The real-time monitoring service, gives you peace of mind, knowing that the system is always working to its potential and your capacity usage is within your defined limit.



  • 24/7 real-time monitoring of parking space utilization
  • 24/7 performance monitoring of the system in real-time
  • Real-time surveillance anyware, anytime

Easy to use (User-friendly)

  • Intuitive, simple and easy to use
  • Easy and fast access to data and  data processing
  • Configurable – Configuration of the system is to inform users by e-mail or by SMS about the period when their parking time expires


  • Monitoring by PC, laptop, tablet, and smartphone
  • Drafting tables and graphics on all the incoming and outgoing data, with various possibilities of groupings at different times.

Reduces operating costs

  • Increases efficiency by limiting the need for mobility around the zone
  • The user benefits multiple times by this innovative, hassle-free and cashless process, it saves time and the user keeps privacy and freedom

  • Reduces maintenance and staffing requirement for payment handling purposes as well as traffic control
